I’m an engineer whose interests tend to live at the intersection of the technical and the artistic. I currently work for National Journal where I help maintain our “Almanac” and “Race Tracker” applications in addition to the user-facing site and our content management system. Previously, I was an audio engineer with the United States Marine Band for eight years. Since 2014 I have been focusing on front-end web development, working for the Defense Technical Information Center, AARP, and at Savioke, where I worked on developing software for the Relay robot. I’ve also created (and neglected) a bunch of side projects. I’m happiest when I’m working with creative people to help them bring their projects to life.

When I’m not writing code or wrangling audio and video systems, I enjoy ultimate frisbee, rock climbing, cooking, and exploring my adopted home of Washington DC.

The best way to reach me is via email at [email protected].

I post almost never on Twitter, but I check it pretty regularly.I am on there at @esonderegger.

I keep my open-source code on github. I’ll try to do better about keeping that stuff up-to-date.

If, for whatever reason, you prefer to reach out to people on LinkedIn, I’m on there too.